You only need 4 ingredients to make this super fun Edible Springtime Slime! Easy to make & guaranteed to keep the kiddos entertained for at least a couple of hours...
So, today I am sharing a "recipe" with you all that is a little out of my norm for the blog. But hey- what is normal these days anyways? Am I right, you all? I mean, normal is pretty much out the window for the next couple of months (at least), so why not share something a little different with you all this week? ;)
My daughter has been obsessed with making slime for the past couple of years now. Me though? Not so much. I mean, making & having glue based slime in my house has been an absolute pet peeve of mine. I really do hate to be that mom, but UGH. I most definitely am.
My daughter has a knack for getting slime in all the wrong places. My living room sectional? Check! Smeared (and then dried!) onto my kitchen table? Check! In her hair? Check! I could keep going on and on, but I think you all get my drift by now. I don't know how many times I have had to google, "how to get slime out of - fill in the blank".
And let's not talk about the countless containers and ziploc baggies of homemade slime I have randomly found around the house that should have been thrown out weeks ago. Eeeeewwww...
All of the above may be leading you all to ask me why then. Why in the world am I sharing a slime recipe on the blog today?
Because desperate times call for desperate measures, folks. ;) My kid is bored, and she is begging me to let her make slime like every other day. So we found a compromise to our little conundrum here- edible (aka, non-glue based) slime.
Given the current state of the world and the emphasis lately on good hygiene, you may be thinking that edible slime just might be the worst idea at the moment. But I would have to disagree with you all there.
I think this kid friendly recipe gives you the perfect opportunity to talk to your kids about proper hygiene and why it is super important right now to not share anything they are eating or putting in their mouth with their friends or siblings.
Here are a few basic rules that I shared with my daughter before I let her make this slime:
- Wash your hands thoroughly before we even start to make this slime.
- Wash your hands after we are finished making this slime.
- Wash your hands after every time that you play with this slime. (Notice a theme happening here?)
- If you choose to eat the slime, you must do so within the first couple of hours of making it & then we throw out what is left at the end of the day.
- If you choose not to eat it, you can keep it in an airtight container to play with for the next 3 days.
- No one else is allowed to handle or play with your slime. Your batch of slime is your batch of slime. Period.
- Did I mention the part about her washing her hands a million times? ;)

Edible Springtime Slime
You only need 4 ingredients to make this super fun Edible Springtime Slime!
Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 0 Total time: 10 min
- 1 (3 oz.) package of lime flavored instant jello
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 cup warm water
- Easter or spring themed sprinkles
How to make Edible Springtime Slime
- In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the jello mix & cornstarch. Slowly pour in the warm water and mix with a spatula or wooden spoon until the slime starts to form.
- If the slime seems a little too wet after mixing it for at least 5 minutes, feel free to add in a little more cornstarch a teaspoon at a time until you reach the right consistency.
- Fold in your sprinkles, & then let the kids work the slime with their hands to the right consistency and texture.
- If you are going to allow the kids to eat the slime, make sure they do that within the same day. If they will not be eating the slime, then you can store the slime in an airtight container for up to 3 days. It may last longer if your refrigerate it.
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