These 12 Easy-to-Make Kid Friendly Recipes are fun for the kids to make and require very little adult supervision... the perfect boredom busters!
How is everyone hanging in there locked down with their kiddos at home 24/7? ;) Honestly, my life hasn't changed all that much. I mean, I was working at home before all of this went down, so it has more or less been business as usual around here.
Okay, so that is a little bit of a lie. My workload as a blogger, social media manager, and virtual assistant has been about the same since the governor of my state issued a stay-at-home order. But now I have an 8 year old hanging out with me most days doing her online instruction and "crafting" all. the. time.
I love my daughter to death, but her daily multiple crafting sessions are becoming the bane of my existence, you all. I adore her sense of creativity. I really do. But I could do without her gluing plastic cups to paper plates and getting glue on my sectional and paint on the carpet, and the list goes on & on. As I speak, it looks as if the arts & crafts section at Hobby Lobby or Michael's threw up all over my living room floor.
So, I have been on the hunt to find other things that do not involve glue, glitter, or paint to keep her happy and entertained during these long days at home. Because I honestly don't think my couch can survive too many more crafting mishaps before I have to start furniture shopping online.
Being the food blogger that I am, I thought why not let her get in the kitchen and get creative and messy making some fun snacks and treats for herself? I mean, the kitchen is 10 times easier for me to clean up than trying to scrub a puddle of dried up glue out of my couch cushion- am I right? ;)
I popped around to a few of my favorite food blogs on the internet and rounded up some easy to make, yet kid friendly recipes to try out with my daughter. And then I figured, why not share them with all of my mom & dad readers out there as well since I know many of you all have found yourself in the same boat as me recently?
These 12 easy-to-make, kid friendly recipes require very little adult supervision and most of them also happen to be no-bake, so no oven or stove is required to make these...
Which of these fun & easy to make recipes will your kiddos be trying first? :)
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