Frugal Foodie Mama: 4 Reasons to Attend a Local Farm to Table Dinner


Friday, September 7, 2018

4 Reasons to Attend a Local Farm to Table Dinner

If you have never attended a farm to table dinner before or have been on the fence about whether or not you should attend one, then be sure to check out these 4 Reasons to Attend a Local Farm to Table Dinner...

If you have never attended a farm to table dinner before or have been on the fence about whether or not you should attend one, then be sure to check out these 4 Reasons to Attend a Local Farm to Table Dinner.

This post was created in partnership with Taste of Blue Ridge. As always, all opinions & thoughts expressed below are 100% my own.

Through my work as a food & travel blogger and my involvement with the local food & culinary scene in my area, I have been fortunate to have been able to attend a handful of farm to table dinners over the past few years. 

Although each featured a different venue & highlighted different local chefs & farms, one theme remained the same- a love for & focus on locally sourced, grown, & raised ingredients. 

If you have never attended a farm to table dinner before or have been on the fence about whether or not you should snag a ticket to your next local food event, then today's post is for you! :) Below I am sharing my 4 top reasons why a local farm to table dinner is well worth your time & the price of admission...

Reason #1: You are supporting local farmers, chefs, & businesses.

You are supporting local farmers, chefs, & businesses when you buy a ticket to a farm to table dinner.

Oftentimes, I know people can be put off by the price of a ticket to a farm to table experience. I have seen prices range anywhere from $50 to $100 for a single ticket. And while to some that may seem steep, it is important to note that almost all of the proceeds are going right back into local businesses & the community. 

Local farmers, chefs, restaurants, & small business owners all benefit financially from the money you spend on a dinner ticket. From the rental of a picture perfect venue to the floral arrangements on the tables, a local business owner, small farmer, or local artisan is being supported when you attend a farm to table dinner in your area.

Reason #2: You get the rare opportunity to experience one-on-one time with locally renowned chefs & local farmers in an intimate setting.

You get the rare opportunity to experience one-on-one time with locally renowned chefs & local farmers in an intimate setting at a farm to table dinner.

I recently attended the Root to Table Open Air Feast hosted by Taste of Blue Ridge at the lovely Hillbrook Inn & Spa in Charles Town, West Virginia. The Root to Table event featured 5 local chefs that all hailed from either Charles Town itself or the northern Virginia area. 

Most of the chefs prepared their dishes outdoors as the dinner guests mingled & munched on locally sourced & elegantly prepared appetizers. It provided everyone with the perfect moment to introduce themselves to the chefs & ask questions about the dishes they were creating before sitting down for the first course of the evening.

You get the rare opportunity to experience one-on-one time with locally renowned chefs & local farmers in an intimate setting at a farm to table dinner.

Some of the farmers who had provided the local ingredients for the evening's dishes were also in attendance at the dinner & were seated among the guests at the dinner tables. It presented the dinner guests with the opportunity to casually chat with the local farmers from the area.

Reason #3: The food, of course!

A farm to table dinner is the perfect opportunity to experience some new & interesting flavor combinations or to try an ingredient prepared in a completely unique way.

This third reason may be the most important reason of all that you need to attend a local farm to table dinner soon- the wonderful & creative dishes prepared by the chefs using locally sourced, grown, & raised ingredients! A farm to table dinner is the perfect opportunity to experience some new & interesting flavor combinations or to try an ingredient prepared in a completely unique way. 

At the Root to Table feast, we were treated to refried peanuts with one of our courses, & can I just tell you all that it was mind blowing?? The peanuts were harvested in nearby northern Virginia, & Chef Damien from Hollywood Casino transformed them into the perfect side dish for his pork tacos entree.

A farm to table dinner is the perfect opportunity to experience some new & interesting flavor combinations or to try an ingredient prepared in a completely unique way.

A farm to table dinner's menu can also provide some amazing recipe inspiration for your next visit to your local farmers market when you see some of the delicious ways seasonal, locally sourced ingredients can be used in a dish.

Reason #4: The people you get to meet at a local farm to table dinner.

Every single farm to table dinner I have ever attended has been a family style event- rustic, yet beautifully adorned large tables that encourage guests to step out of their comfort zones & meet someone new.

Every single farm to table dinner I have ever attended has been a family style event- rustic, yet beautifully adorned large tables that encourage guests to step out of their comfort zones & meet someone new. This community style way of hosting a dinner seems to foster a sense of community among people who were total strangers to each other just minutes before.

Every single farm to table dinner I have ever attended has been a family style event- rustic, yet beautifully adorned large tables that encourage guests to step out of their comfort zones & meet someone new.

And most farm to table dinners host a casual cocktail hour to start off the event, so everyone in attendance has time to mingle, walk around, chat with the chefs & other guests, & check out the venue for the dinner. It is the perfect chance to meet like-minded individuals (aka, those who also support & love their local farmers & chefs) in a picturesque outdoor setting.

Every single farm to table dinner I have ever attended has been a family style event- rustic, yet beautifully adorned large tables that encourage guests to step out of their comfort zones & meet someone new.

How often do you dine at a local restaurant and actually talk to the other patrons sitting at the tables near you, let alone actually share a meal with them? A local farm to table dinner actually encourages that! At the Root to Table dinner, all five courses were served family style so were able to converse & connect as we passed plates of beautifully prepared dishes around the table. 

If you have never attended a farm to table dinner before or have been on the fence about whether or not you should attend one, then be sure to check out these 4 Reasons to Attend a Local Farm to Table Dinner.

Have you attended a local farm to table dinner before?
If so, what would be your #1 reason to encourage others to attend one?

If you have never attended a farm to table dinner before or have been on the fence about whether or not you should attend one, then be sure to check out these 4 Reasons to Attend a Local Farm to Table Dinner.

Don't miss Taste of Blue Ridge's next local farm to table event! They will be hosting their Fall Root to Table Harvest Dinner at Magnolias at the Mill in Purcellville, Virginia on November 10, 2018. Be sure to get your tickets now!

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