Frugal Foodie Mama: Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One


Monday, December 18, 2017

Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One

Grab some leftover rolls or bread & the eggnog from the fridge, and whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes...

Grab some leftover rolls or bread & the eggnog from the fridge, and whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes.

Picture this for one second, folks- it is the morning after Christmas Day. You are up early, and the house is quiet. The kids are sleeping in after waking up super early the morning before to raid the gifts under the tree. 

You have a cup of coffee brewing & are just enjoying the stillness of the morning after the Christmas craziness of the day before. The only thing missing is a warm plate of french toast sitting in front of you.

But you don't want to drag out everything to make french toast. Or stand over the stove flipping the egg soaked pieces of bread. Plus, the delicious smell of homemade french toast is just sure to wake up the entire family, and there goes your much deserved quiet morning to yourself.

But wait! I have the perfect solution for this little day after Christmas dilemma of yours. ;) How about french toast just for one that you can make in your microwave? 

Grab some rolls or that loaf of bread leftover from Christmas dinner & the eggnog from the fridge, & whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes...

Grab some leftover rolls or bread & the eggnog from the fridge, and whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes.

Can't you just picture yourself sitting on the couch with a cozy blanket and your hands wrapped around a warm mug of this french toast while enjoying the silence and the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree? :)

Grab some leftover rolls or bread & the eggnog from the fridge, and whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes.

You can use any eggnog that you would like in this french toast- even dairy free versions like almond & coconut milk work perfectly with this recipe. 

And if you happen to not be a huge fan of ginger (I love ginger, but I get that not everyone does), just leave out the crystallized ginger altogether or add in a pinch of ground ginger to the eggnog batter instead.

Grab some leftover rolls or bread & the eggnog from the fridge, and whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes.

Yield: Serves 1

Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One

Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One

Grab some leftover rolls or bread & the eggnog from the fridge, and whip up this decadent Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One in less than 10 minutes.

prep time: 5 min cook time: 3 min total time: 8 min


  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/3 cup of your favorite eggnog
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2-2 cups of leftover rolls or bread, cut into cubes
  • 2 tbsp dried cranberries
  • 1 tbsp chopped crystallized ginger


How to cook Cranberry-Ginger Eggnog French Toast for One

  1. In a large microwave-safe mug (at least 16 oz), melt the butter in the microwave, approx 30-45 seconds.Tilt the mug around in a circle to coat all sides of the mug with the butter.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggnog, egg, nutmeg, brown sugar, & vanilla extract.
  3. Layer the cranberries & chopped ginger with the bread cubes into the buttered mug. Pour the eggnog mixture over top of the cranberries, ginger, & bread and push down with a spoon to make sure all the bread pieces get moist.
  4. Microwave on high until set and cooked through, about 2 minutes.
  5. Top with whipped cream & a sprinkle of nutmeg, if desired.
  6. Enjoy immediately.
Created using The Recipes Generator

What are some of your favorite ways to make time for yourself after the craziness & busyness of the holidays?

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