Frugal Foodie Mama: Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake


Friday, September 1, 2017

Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake

Celebrate that special day minus the guilt with this festive & fun Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake...
Celebrate that special day minus the guilt with this festive & fun Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake.
Sponsored post by Mirum. All opinions are my own.

Soooooo.... today is my birthday, you all. But it just isn't any ole birthday for me. It just so happens to be my 40th birthday. Yep, the BIG 4-0. I have to admit that it is kind of weird to be saying goodbye to my thirties and officially entering a brand new decade of my life. But I am also excited for what the next 10 years will bring. :)

I have spent the last few months of my 39th year of life making some healthier lifestyle changes. I get to the gym at least 3-4 times a week now. I do yoga at home at least twice a week. I try to give myself mental health breaks more often when I start to feel like my work to life balance is getting a little off kilter. And I have been trying to make healthier choices as far as my diet goes. But when you happen to have a mean sweet tooth like I do, then that last part can be a little tricky at times.

My ultimate guilty pleasure happens to be ice cream. Like I could eat ice cream every single day. And now that I have discovered Breyers delights, I actually can enjoy my favorite frozen treat minus the guilt more often... ;)

Celebrate that special day minus the guilt with this festive & fun Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake.

Breyers delights comes in 4 classic flavors- Vanilla Bean, Creamy Chocolate, Mint Chip, and my personal favorite- Cookies & Cream. Made with natural, quality ingredients, Breyers delights lets me satisfy that sweet tooth without sacrificing my healthier lifestyle. Plus, it is easy & convenient for me to toss a pint (or two!) into my shopping cart as I am doing my weekly grocery shopping at my local Giant Eagle. (It also doesn't hurt that I can save $1.50 on my favorite flavor of Breyers delights right now by using my Giant Eagle e-Advantage card.)

Breyers delights comes in 4 classic flavors- Vanilla Bean, Creamy Chocolate, Mint Chip, and my personal favorite- Cookies & Cream. Made with natural, quality ingredients, Breyers delights lets me satisfy that sweet tooth without sacrificing my healthier lifestyle.

While Breyers delights are definitely delicious straight from the carton, I wanted to do a little something special with my favorite flavor for my birthday today. This Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake is actually inspired by a milkshake recipe I found on the Breyers website, but I gave it my own little festive twist by adding in Birthday Cake Oreo cookies & rainbow sprinkles. 

Thanks to Breyers delights, this creamy & fun milkshake lets me celebrate turning the big 4-0 without giving up the strides I have already made towards living a healthier lifestyle. I call that a win-win, folks! :)

Celebrate that special day minus the guilt with this festive & fun Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake.

Cookies & Cream Banana Birthday Shake
by Frugal Foodie Mama
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: None
Ingredients (Serves 1)
  • 2/3 cup Breyers delights Cookies & Cream
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1 medium banana
  • 2 Birthday Cake Oreo Cookies (save one to garnish the shake, if desired)
  • Whipped cream & rainbow sprinkles for garnishing (optional)
Add the Breyers delights Cookies & Cream, the skim milk, banana, & 1 Birthday Cake Oreo to your blender. Process until smooth.

Pour into a tall glass and top with whipped cream & rainbow sprinkles, if desired. Garnish the shake with an additional Oreo & a banana slice (optional).
Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Adapted from THIS RECIPE  from the Breyers website.

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CLICK HERE to sign up for your Giant Eagle e-Advantage card today & instantly save $1.50 on your favorite flavor of Breyers delights! :)

Which flavor of Breyers delights will you be trying first?

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