From organization to comfort to space saving, these are the 10 must-haves for every college dorm room...
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Okay, okay... I will admit it. I may be freaking out just a little over the fact that my son, my oldest "baby" is moving into his dorm & getting ready to start his college career this coming weekend.
While I know I will most definitely worry about him & the house will for sure feel a little emptier, I am also excited for him.
Excited for him to test out the waters of being on his own for the first time. Excited for him to start discovering who he really is as his own person. And excited for the path he is pursuing with the start of his college education in computer science.
We have been pretty busy over the past few weeks gathering together all of the essentials he will need for the dorm room he will be sharing with a roommate. These essentials will not only help his dorm room become his home away from home, but will also provide him with a little of his own space within his less than spacious accommodations for the next year. ;)
From organization to comfort to space saving, this is our list of 10 Dorm Room Must-Haves...
Pocket Bedside Caddy (approx. $13.99)
Since space will be tight as it is, a night stand is not really an option. That is where a nifty bedside caddy will come in handy! :)
Soft, comfy towels are definitely a must in a college dorm room. Get them all in one color so there is no confusion between your kiddo's & their dorm mate's towels.
Make getting laundry done in the dorms a breeze with this hamper that also doubles as a carrier for laundry detergent & fabric softener. (Or just make it a little easier for them to bring home their dirty laundry on the weekends. ;) )
(comes in 6 different colors, prices vary)
I think this one speaks for itself. Just check with the dorm room guidelines before purchasing to make sure this one is allowed in the room.
Movable storage is essential in a small dorm room! :)
Shared bathroom in the dorm? No problem! This quick dry shower caddy makes it easy for your college co-ed to carry their toiletries to and from their dorm room to the bathroom.
We all know college kids are totally techies. Make sure they keep their cell phone & all of their gadgets charged & ready to go with this multi-outlet surge protector with built-in USB ports.
Turn that bed or even the floor into a comfy space for studying or watching a little Netflix with this comfy pillow.
What would you add to this list of dorm room must-haves?
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