Frugal Foodie Mama: Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space {Book Review & Giveaway}


Monday, April 27, 2015

Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space {Book Review & Giveaway}

Do you do a major spring cleaning each year just to have it all end up cluttered & disorganized within a few months? Then you just may need to learn how to Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space...
Do you do a major spring cleaning each year just to have it all end up cluttered & disorganized within a few months? Then you just may need to learn how Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space. Get entered to win a copy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up!
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This happens to be my second year participating in the Spring De-Junk Challenge. When I heard that a second challenge was going to take place this year, I walked around and started to assess the areas of my home that I had tackled and organized during last year's challenge. What I found left me feeling pretty much disheartened. And why? Because almost every single area of my home that I had so meticulously organized and cleaned a year ago is all in the same sorry state (or even worse!) than before I had started the challenge in 2014.  I had to step back and ask myself why this had happened. Why had we not been able to keep those rooms and cabinets and shelves organized and de-cluttered? I found the answer to that question when I started reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo...

Do you do a major spring cleaning each year just to have it all end up cluttered & disorganized within a few months? Then you just may need to learn how Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space. Get entered to win a copy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up!

The answer? We have too much stuff!  But why? Folks, I have to tell you all that is pretty much mental. While we are not hoarders by any extreme, we do happen to be pack rats. Why had it all got so out of control in just a year's time? Because we kept getting new things, but never took the time to weed out the old things. This book teaches you how to change your thinking and finally take control of the clutter! 
My husband and I got a jump start on the challenge yesterday, and we started with the category that Marie recommends you begin with first- your clothing. (Note that I said category and not a room or area- read more about that in the book. ;) ) From our two closets and 8 sets of drawers, we cleared out 9 garbage bags of clothing to drop off at our local Goodwill. Nine! And we are just getting started. 

Because I love this book so much, I want to give a copy of it to one of you. :) Just use the Rafflecoper widget below to get entered. And be sure to check out the cleaning & organizing posts below from my fellow hosts of this year's challenge for even more spring cleaning motivation and inspiration. 

*This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, 18 years or older.  All entries for the winner will be checked and verified, so please make sure you are doing what you are claiming in the Rafflecopter or all your entries will be voided.  No funny business, folks. ;). By entering you give the right to use your name and likeness. Number of entries received determines the odds of winning. One winner will be selected. The winner will be notified via the email they provide, and will have 48 hours to reply to the email.  If the winner does not reply back within the 48 hours, they forfeit the prize and a new winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter. The prize will be ordered by Carrie of Frugal Foodie Mama & sent directly to the winner. Entries must come from your MAIN social media accounts, not accounts that have been set up separately just for entering giveaways.  Entries from these types of accounts will be disqualified. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law.
Good luck, all! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today is Day 1 of our 10-Day Challenge to Clean, Organize, and De Junk Your Home for Spring.

If you missed the post introducing the challenge, click here for directions and details, & to get entered in the $210 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Follow along with me on Instagram to see my daily progress in the 
Spring DeJunk Challenge!

10 of the Best Cleaning & Organizing Tips for Spring #SpringDeJunkChallenge
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Before you jump into the challenge, how about some inspiration? 
Visit each of our participating bloggers to see our best cleaning and organizing tips for Spring. 
#1: Decluttering Tips for Kids from One Creative Mommy 
#2: My Process for Purging the Junk from Christina, Plain and Simple 
#3: De-Junking Checklist Printables from The Princess and Her Cowboys 
#4: Garage Sale Tips and Tricks from 4 You with Love 
#5: A Busy Woman's Guide to the Best Cleaning Products from Occasionally Crafty
#6: Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space {Book Review & Giveaway} 
from The Frugal Foodie Mama 
#7: De-Junk Challenge: How to Organize your Closets from Juggling Act Mama 
#8: Hats Off to Organization from Redo Mom 
#9: Get Organized in the #SpringDeJunkChallenge from Fearlessly Creative Mammas 
#10: Spring Declutter Project from Krystal's Kitsch