I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Cake Boss. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for participating.
If any of you all happen to be a huge fan of the Cake Boss show on TLC, you are going to love today's post! Not only am I am going to be sharing some fun ideas for hosting a cake decorating party for friends and family, but I am also going to be sharing some of my favorite Cake Boss products available at Michael's.
I have to admit- I have only watched the Cake Boss show a handful of times. But I was always blown away by the cakes that they create and in awe of how they get them from one place to another without the cake totally toppling over. Buddy and his family and their staff has some serious cake skills, folks. ;)
When I saw a huge array of the Cake Boss Fabulous Fondant in my shipment from Michael's, I knew I had to set up a little station for my party just for fondant rolling and cutting...
Fondant has always been that elusive cake decorating medium to me. I have always wanted to try working with it, but I honestly had not the faintest clue how to even start with it. Thank goodness for the collection of Fondant video tutorials I found on the Cake Boss website! :) All four of the videos are instructed by Buddy Valastro himself, and he makes it easy to understand each of the techniques. I actually ended up setting up my laptop on a counter across from the fondant station and had each of the videos cued up to make it easy for guests to refer to them as they were working with the fondant. :)
Next up in the cake decorating party prep was setting up the cake decorating table. Party guests would each have their own frosting station set up and ready to go complete with Cake Boss Viva Vanilla Frosting tubs, "Devoted To Dessert" Silicone Spoonulas, Cake Boss prep bowls, and orange, pink, & rainbow sprinkles. I turned small disposable plates upside down for each guest to set their cakes on as they decorated them.
I baked the cakes the night before using the Cake Boss Divine White Cake Mix that includes Buddy's "secret" (a pouch of custard crème) for velvety moist cake. Instead of going with 9 inch cakes or cupcakes, I used mini springform pans and baked a small two-tier cake for each guest.
I was really excited to work with the Cake Boss Fabulous Fondant, and I quickly got over my intimidation from before of working with it. I chose to use the Primo Chocolate fondant (which by the way smells and tastes amazing!) to cover my cake with.
We also had Cake Boss fondant in Eye Poppin Pink, Electric Green, Hello Yellow, and Touch of Pink at our disposal to use. I decided to go with the Eye Poppin Pink to create a fondant ribbon (easily created with the nifty Cake Boss Fondant Ribbon Cutter) to adorn the base of my cake.
I loved how seeing how creative everyone got with their cakes! :) My almost 3 year old daughter even got in on the fun.
Each party guest went home with a bag of my favorite Cake Boss goodies- a "Devoted To Dessert" Silicone Spoonula, Decorating Icing, sprinkles, tubs of the Viva Vanilla Frosting, and more so they could continue their cake decorating inspiration and fondant adventures at home. :)
For this lady who was once what I would describe as cake decorating challenged, I was thrilled to see how easily these Cake Boss products upped my cake game. I mean, how pretty is this little two layer cake?
Want to invite the BOSS to your next cake decorating party? Be sure to check out Michael's for the full line of fun and creative Cake Boss products! :)