I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Gerber Baby. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
Any time that you are told that your baby should be the next Gerber baby, it is always considered a huge compliment. I can remember being told that numerous times when my oldest was a baby, and more recently when it came to little miss. I mean, every mama wants their baby to be the Gerber baby! ;)
The Gerber baby is just iconic- Am I right?
How would you like for your baby to be crowned the next Gerber baby and star in future advertisements for Gerber as one of their 2015 spokesbabies?
Now through November 12 you can upload a favorite, recent photo of your Gerber baby in the "Be Our Baby" Photo Search on Gerber.com for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $50,000, one year of Gerber food, & the coveted spot of Gerber spokesbaby!
Gerber is also awarding $5,000 to six winners in each of the Milestone categories. Winners will be chosen based on the highest number of votes in each category on MyGerber.
What are the Milestone Categories, you ask? ;) Birth+, Supported Sitter, Sitter, Crawler, Toddler, Toddler 2+!
What are the Milestone Categories, you ask? ;) Birth+, Supported Sitter, Sitter, Crawler, Toddler, Toddler 2+!
How can you get your little one entered in the photo search?
First, you need to sign up for a MyGerber account. :) Not only will you gain access to enter the photo search, but you will also have a wealth of information at your fingertips! The site is packed with tailored content, personalized features, and interactive tools to help you nourish your baby right from birth and beyond.
Once you have signed up for a MyGerber account, you can then click on over to Gerber.com/Photosearch and get started with your photo search entry.
And because we all know that catching good photos of little ones who always seem to be on-the-go is like trying to capture a photo of Big Foot or an UFO (ha- next to impossible!), here are a few of my tried and true tricks to help you all with your "Be Our Baby" Photo Search entries...
- Posed shots are going to be super hard with the shakers and the movers. If your camera happens to have a sports or action setting, use it! Not only are those settings great for catching your favorite athletes in action, but they are perfect for snapping shots of constantly in motion little ones. ;) And enlist a helper if you can to try and direct your little one to look in a certain direction with silly faces or a favorite toy.
- Take them outside! As you can see from my shots above, natural lighting can be the best lighting to capture your little one.
- This one is especially important for the parents of silly toddlers- Don't ask them to smile. ;) Little miss loves to give me the super cheese one when I ask her to smile.
- Go for candid shots. 9 times out of 10, my favorite photos of the kiddos are the ones that they did not pose for. The ones where I just happened to get my finger on the shutter button at just the right moment. And going off this tip...
- Take LOTS of photos! Because honestly, you cannot predict when that "just the right moment" will be. Sometimes you will snap a pic and know right away that you got a good one, and sometimes it will take you going through them later to see just how many (or how little) amazing shots that you got.
- And finally, don't be afraid to edit your photos to get them to look their best. You can fix everything with some simple photo editing- crop out an unintentional photo bomber, fix the color or the exposure, even add contrast or sharpen a little. And there are a lot of great free photo editing programs out there! :)
Be sure to follow Gerber on Facebook & Instagram for updates on the Be Our Baby Photo Search, nutritional tips, photos of adorable little ones, & more! :)