Frugal Foodie Mama: Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas


Friday, July 11, 2014

Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas

Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas via #CuervoTeagarita #cocktail
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Ever since we finished our back deck makeover and my husband built our new fire pit, we have been celebrating summer almost every weekend by hosting friends and family over.  Often these little celebrations start with some delicious grilling accompanied by refreshing (often adult) beverages, and then followed by long hours sitting around the fire, talking, making s'mores, and drinking a few more adults only beverages. ;)

Last Friday was no exception as we hosted my parents and my sister and her boyfriend over for the 4th of July.  
Typically I am the designated bartender for such gatherings- muddling mojiotos, stirring sangria, and shaking up cocktails.  And while I am not complaining about these duties (I would much rather be mixing drinks than manning the hot grill ;) ), I do find myself spending more time getting everyone drinks than actually spending time with and enjoying my guests. 
But not for this most recent celebratory summer gathering... ;)
Because I was armed with Jose Cuervo's ready-to-serve Iced Teagarita.  Jose Cuervo Iced Teagarita is a perfectly tasty blend of classic lime margarita, Jose Cuervo tequila and premium orange liqueur, and of course, iced tea! 
But you all know I couldn't leave well enough alone (although this Iced Teagarita is delicious simply served over ice).
I had to go and add a little Arnold Palmer action to our 4th of July Iced Teagaritas.  For those of you know not familiar with this simple drink concoction made popular by a famous professional golfer, it is basically half lemonade and half iced tea...

Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas via #CuervoTeagarita #cocktail
Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas

by Frugal Foodie Mama
Prep Time: 2-3 minutes
Cook Time: None
Ingredients (6-8 drinks)
  • One 750 ml bottle of Jose Cuervo Iced Teagarita
  • Your favorite homemade or bottled lemonades- include some flavored lemonades for extra fun!
  • Ice
Fill a glass or mason jar with ice. Fill half the glass with Jose Cuervo Iced Teagarita. Fill the remaining half with your favorite lemonade. Gently stir with a straw.
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Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas via #CuervoTeagarita #cocktail
These Jose Cuervo Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas were absolutely refreshing- a perfect summertime drink! :)
And it is so easy to jazz up your teagaritas for any summer celebration you are throwing...
Just add some festive washi tape to your glasses or mason jars and pop fun, brightly colored straws in, garnish with fresh lemon and lime slices, and voila!
Instant festive fun that will make you want to raise your glass...

Iced Arnold Palmer Teagaritas via #CuervoTeagarita #cocktail
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Which upcoming summer celebration will be you be serving up Jose Cuervo Iced Teagaritas at next?
Will you serve them Arnold Palmer style or straight up? :)

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.