Frugal Foodie Mama: Spring De-Junk Challenge- The Halfway Mark! {& a $110 Lowe's Giveaway}


Friday, May 16, 2014

Spring De-Junk Challenge- The Halfway Mark! {& a $110 Lowe's Giveaway}

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Today is Day #5 of the 10 day Spring De-Junk Challenge- halfway there! Whew!
And I have been a busy, busy mama and blogger this week with this challenge, but all the effort (and sweat!) has been well worth it so far. :)

If you have been following me on Instagram, you have probably been noticing all the before and after photos I have been posting as I work through this daily spring cleaning challenge.
I have to admit that putting all my clutter and mess (and maybe some slight hoarding- mostly on my husband's part ;) ) out there for all of the Instagram world to see hasn't been the easiest thing to do.
I mean, some of it is just embarrassing.  But it really has been just the motivation I needed (& we needed) to finally take care of some of the cluttered and messy areas of our home.  There is just something about posting a photo of one of your colossal messes on social media and pledging to tackle it that just makes you now feel even more accountable and in turn, motivated.

Today I am sharing with you all a few of the cleaning, dejunking projects I took on and conquered this past week.  There are still FIVE days left in the challenge, and you can still join us!  Hopefully you can find a little motivation in what I have accomplished so far during the challenge. ;)

Let's start with that photo collage above. ^^^ Yesterday I destashed, cleaned, and organized the two large drawers in my kitchen.  Once I made room in the drawer with the sandwich and freezer bags, I was able to declutter the silverware drawer that had been completely taken over by my collection of measuring cups. (Yeah, I know. Who really needs that many measuring cups? >This food blogger does<)  My husband installed a food storage wrap shelf on the inside of one of the doors to our cabinet under the sink, and that freed up even more room. Seriously, all. If you desperately need to organize your kitchen, pick up one of those kitchen organization sets with the extra shelves (standing & ones you hang), lid rack, etc.  The one I purchased from zulily a few weeks back has been a game changer for me during this Spring De-Junk Challenge. 

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And speaking of that kitchen organization set, it came with a set of nifty shelf creators which became a very easy fix for the precarious arrangement of my coffee mugs in the cabinet.  Yes, a few coffee mugs had met a sad demise thanks to my original "organization" of them. 
(Psssttt... Zulily STILL has the Cabinet Organizing Set I bought and it is a steal at just $10.99!  I am not a zulily affiliate, but I will disclose that I get a store credit if you sign up through me. ;) I LOVE getting store credit!)

Not pictured, but definitely noteworthy dejunking achievements for me this week were cleaning out and organizing my makeup drawer in the bathroom, and clearing out and decluttering almost all of my under counter cabinets in my kitchen.  If you would like to see before and after photos of those projects, please check out my Instagram feed.

Okay, and now for the biggie from this week.  And this was actually my first Spring De-Junk Challenge project on Day #1.  I figured why not go big from the get-go.  Well, that & Monday happened to be my husband's only day off from work this week, and I was definitely going to need his assistance with this one...
Yes, folks... this was our bedroom. 
And this has pretty much been what our bedroom had looked like for the past year.
You see, bloggers don't have immaculate, perfectly decorated homes like you might think. ;)
In fact, we probably have the messiest homes because we tend to neglect them quite a bit in lieu of working on social media, writing blog posts, taking photos, editing photos, and the list goes on... 

But I said, enough is enough.  I want a BEDROOM already!
And the after just may shock you... or at least hopefully provide some motivation for you all.

Yes! There was a bedroom underneath all that clutter and craziness. It took us one day and the next morning, but we finished it! :)
We even hung the framed print and mirrors I have been wanting put up for months, but really didn't see much of a point in hanging since the room looked horrid anyways.
And we finally got a light blocking curtain up in that room. I can't tell you all how wonderful that has been in the mornings!  

Will you join us for the remainder of the challenge?
Have I inspired you at least just a little?
Be sure to check out my original Spring De-Junk Challenge post for all the challenge details!
I have many more projects I am taking on for the Spring DeJunk Challenge and possibly beyond, so make sure you click above and follow my Instagram to see all the progress.

And don't forget to enter the giveaway below for a $110 Lowe's gift card to help you with that home organization and improvement you are working on this week. And check out the posts from the other bloggers in this challenge below. You just may find even more motivation and inspiration! :)

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