Frugal Foodie Mama: 5 Tips to Getting Back on Track & Achieving a Balanced Lifestyle


Sunday, January 19, 2014

5 Tips to Getting Back on Track & Achieving a Balanced Lifestyle

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Finding balance hasn't always been my strong suit.  Occasionally I nail the whole balance thing, but then find myself straying back to one extreme or the other.  (Usually towards the "I will eat whatever & work out when I feel like it" extreme.  Yeah, not the balanced lifestyle I was aiming for... )

And being a food blogger- especially during the holiday season- definitely doesn't make it easy to keep a healthy balance.  Hello... my job is to create amazing holiday perfect treats & sweets for the masses. ;)  By the time January 1st rolled around, I wasn't feeling very good about what I had been putting into my body lately, how very little I had been making it to the gym, and how snug my once perfectly fitted jeans had started to feel. 

I determined it was time for me to find balance...
And when I say balance, I am not just talking about the foods I eat and how many times a week I practice my yoga.  

I love making healthy meals from scratch, but that often requires time.
Sometimes time that I do not have that day or time that I would rather spend with my son and daughter or my husband.  
On days like those, I need fuss-free options that won't wreck the balanced lifestyle I am striving to achieve.
That is why I am glad that Nestle provides an entire line of foods that can help me get back on track and help maintain my all-around goal of balance.

Over the past few weeks, I have come to rely on a few tips that help me stay on the healthier track I started....
Tip #1- Start off the day right!
What you put into your body first thing in the morning can set the tone for your entire day! Start your day with a balanced breakfast- like a Turkey Sausage English Muffin from the LEAN CUISINE® Morning Collection™, a banana, & a cup of your favorite coffee with Sugar-Free French Vanilla CoffeeMate.

Tip #2- Add fast, fresh ingredients wherever & whenever you can.
I am constantly trying to get creative as to where I can sneak in extra fresh fruits and veggies.  Even when convenient foods are your go-to, you can add fresh ingredients to make it more filing and pack it with an additional nutritional punch.  Add fresh spinach to a sandwich or wrap like I did with the Buffalo-Style Chicken LEAN CUISINE® Wrap ADDITIONS™. (Psssttt.... you could even toss some fresh avocado or tomato slices on this sandwich or your breakfast sandwich!)

Tip #3- Don't totally deny yourself! Indulge, but indulge smart. ;)
 Seriously, folks.  Do not deprive yourself of the sweets that you love.  Denying yourself what you are craving is only setting yourself up for a recipe for a serious relapse in your goal of achieving balance.  Just indulge smarter.  Have one cookie instead of two.  Want chocolate? Add some shavings or a small handful of chocolate chips to a cup of low fat yogurt.  Or just find lower calorie alternatives of your favorites, like these Skinny Cow Divine Filled Chocolates in Caramel.  I can't believe how delicious these are! And only 130 calories in a 3 piece pouch?!? Craziness...  ;)

Tip #4- Determine your "kryptonite" & find a healthy way to satisfy that craving.
I love all things cheesy and gooey.  All things.
That is why I am so glad that I found these little gems from Lean Cuisine- LEAN CUISINE® Simple Favorites™ Macaroni and Cheese & LEAN CUISINE® Stuffed Pretzels in Three Cheese & Spinach!
Cheesiness meet balance. Balance meet cheesiness. :) Consider my cheesy cravings satisfied without blowing my balance!
What is your "kryptonite", and what would be a healthy way for you to satisfy that craving?

Tip #5- Got off track for a day or two? Don't beat yourself up!
It is normal, it is human to get off track here and there.
But don't let a day or two totally sabotage your goal of developing a more balanced lifestyle!
Allow yourself that day or two, and then get right back at it the next day.  You will be surprised how quickly a gym workout or whipping up a healthy tasty smoothie will get you back in the right mindset.
I had a day of horrendous emotional eating earlier this week.  The next day I took a deep breath, headed to Walmart to stock up on my Nestle back on track essentials, and then hit the gym right after.
We all too often get caught up in the "I failed" mode, and then let go of all the hard work we had already accomplished.
Beating yourself down will not accomplish anything except for keeping you down, and who wants that?

What is your #1 tip for Getting Back on Track & Achieving a Balanced Lifestyle?

To find out more about Nestle products at Walmart and to learn more about Lean Cuisine's Feel Great Money Back Guarantee, CLICK HERE