Frugal Foodie Mama: Not All Babywearing is Created Equal


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Not All Babywearing is Created Equal

This is an informative post written on behalf of Boba.  All opinions presented below are 100% my own.

Granted, it has been some months since I have been able to wear my baby girl, but I am a huge fan of babywearing.  I always encourage my new mom friends to give it a go.  I offer to show them the proper way to wrap a baby in a hug hold & to lend a carrier to them if they need it.

I pretty much loved everything about being able to wear my baby girl.  I miss it still.
The closeness & security it provided her.
It catered to and made breastfeeding so much easier.
The ease and convenience it provided me and my family- have you tried lugging around one of those infant car seats or unfolding one of those monsters of a stroller?
And the whole new world it opened up to my daughter- I mean, who seriously wants to be stuck down in stroller looking at people's knees and shoes all day??

Baby girl and I babywearing & gardening in August 2012.

There are so many benefits to wearing your little one.  
But there are also so many ways to be doing it wrong and as a consequence, to be doing your precious little one more harm than good.

I cringe when I am watching a movie or television show and a baby is shown being worn in a carrier facing out.
I feel a very strong urge to run up to parents in the mall and first pat them on the back for choosing to wear their babies and then want to instantly flip their babies around so that they are facing inward.
You can ask my husband.  I cringe every single time.

Okay, some of you all may be asking just why is wearing your baby out so darn cringe-worthy?

I won't get into all the reasoning and scientific research about it here, but I will point you to this article on Boba of Nine Reasons Not to Carry Your Baby Facing Out.  You can also refer to the nifty graphic below. ;)

I will pose this scenario to you all- as an adult, would you rather be suspended in a harness by your hips from a pole facing inward or outward?  Which way do you think would be more comfortable and would provide the most support for your body?

Nine Reasons Not To Wear Your Baby Forward Facing #babywearing

Of course, not every baby carrier is right for every parent and baby.  We absolutely loved our wrap and the versatility it provided, but the wrap isn't for everyone.  Not sure which carrier is the right fit for you?  Boba has created a nifty Compare Chart to help you choose.  CLICK HERE to go check it out & see which baby carrier is right for you and your little one

Want to check out what I have been pinning about babywearing? Head on over to my Safe Babywearing Pinterest board and follow now...

Follow Carrie (Frugal Foodie Mama)'s board Safe Babywearing on Pinterest.

Want to learn more about Boba, safe babywearing, and how it can provide you and your baby freedom together?

Check out the Boba Family website, Boba on Facebook, & Boba on Pinterest. :)

To learn more and connect with Boba, "Like" them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Boba. The opinions and text are all mine.