Frugal Foodie Mama: Spiked! Fall Beers Recipe Challenge {Submit 'Em If You Got 'Em!}


Friday, September 20, 2013

Spiked! Fall Beers Recipe Challenge {Submit 'Em If You Got 'Em!}

Hello all!  Julie and I are so excited to see what awesome and delicious Fall Beer recipes you have come up with for our fifth ever Spiked! Recipe Challenge! 

Be sure to review the all the rules on the Spiked! Recipe Challenge Page and make sure you have included the Spiked! button in your entry post. :)  Just copy and paste the image below into your recipe submission post!  If the Spiked! button is not in your post, your recipe will not be considered for judging. 
The linky is only open for 2 days! Once the linky closes, no more recipe submissions will  be accepted.  Only ONE recipe submission per blogger, please Please check back on September 27th here and at This Gal Cooks for the announcement of the Spiked! Fall Beers Recipe Challenge winner.

If you would like to peruse recipe submissions from past Spiked! Recipe Challenges (you know, if you happen to like to bake and cook with booze just as much as I do), be sure to check out my Spiked! Recipe Challenge Pinterest Board.  I pin every single recipe from every challenge to it!

Be sure to hop around and check out everyone else's Fall Beers Spiked! recipes.  I mean, you have to take a peek at the competition, right? ;)