Frugal Foodie Mama: It's a Blogger's Dream! {Ad Space & Design Giveaway}


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's a Blogger's Dream! {Ad Space & Design Giveaway}

Whew!  It is giveaway crazy around here on Frugal Foodie Mama lately! (I am sure you all are not complaining about the opportunity to win more free things, right? ;) )

I am helping Amber from My Three Bittles celebrate her birthday week with a giveaway that is just for the bloggers out there- lots of ad spots and blog design prizes up for grabs!

Be sure to click on over to her blog to get entered in her giveaway from yesterday and check back all week because the giveaways will be popping up all week over there. Yep, Amber knows how to celebrate a birthday. ;)

Use the Rafflecopter below to get entered for the free blog design prizes & free ad spaces, including A Tablespoon social media promotion package from your's truly! One winner takes it all, folks! 
Good luck all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway