Frugal Foodie Mama: I Like A Little Bling In My Candles {Diamond Candles Review & Giveaway}


Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Like A Little Bling In My Candles {Diamond Candles Review & Giveaway}

*The opinions below are strictly my own.  Yep, all 100% me, myself, and I.  I was provided a product in exchange for an honest review, and was not compensated for my review in any other way.  If you are interested in having me review an item, please see my Advertise/PR Page for contact information.

Typically I am not one to review a candle on a predominantly food blog.  But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to give one of the Diamond Candles a go when I was contacted a few weeks back about possibly reviewing one for my readers.  

What can I say?
I love yummy smelling candles as much as I like making yummy food.  
AND, I love a little bling.  What gal doesn't? ;)

Okay, I know you all are dying to know... what does a bling have to do with a candle??

Well, every Diamond Candle has a ring inside!
It could be a $10 one, $100 one, or maybe even a $5000 diamond ring!

I found it pretty amusing and somewhat entertaining that my husband and son were a little more excited to burn the candle down to the ring than I was.  If I had happened to fail to light the candle one evening, one of them came in right away and asked why I had not lit it yet and then would light it for me.
And then one glorious evening after about 20 or so hours of burning it, the gold foil pouch was revealed, fished out, opened, and....
Woo-hoo!  A very gorgeous ring was awaiting me.  While not a $5000 diamond ring (a girl can dream, right?), my ex-jewelry salesman husband was impressed with the quality of it. ;)

Okay, the ring is definitely fun and sparkly, but what about the candle?
It smelled delicious! 
And the semi-crunchy, partially hippie mama side of me loved that the Diamond Candles are also long burning soy candles. 

Alright now... how would you like to have your own Diamond Candle?  For FREE?

Just used the widget below and get yourself entered! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway