Frugal Foodie Mama: The Day I Knew I Made the Right Choice in Becoming a Food Blogger...


Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Day I Knew I Made the Right Choice in Becoming a Food Blogger...

and not a fashion blogger. 

Okay, so I never once seriously considered becoming a fashion blogger.  No offense to those of you who are.  I give you all mad props after my little photo session here with my good friend Brian of Will Bee Photography.  

I can tell you that I bought my dress at American Eagle last year near the beginning of September and the shoes were bought from Kohl's around Christmas.  The necklace and earrings?  I have had those so long that I just couldn't tell you...

I will take photo sessions with the food I love to create over photo sessions of myself any day of the week.
Not that I am shy.  Or have low self esteem.  
Or don't think that I am trendy enough (Although I am not one to keep up on the newest trends- I wear what I like and what feels like me, and if that happens to be a current trend so be it.)

I am just literally probably the most awkward "fashion" model ever.  
You want me to put my hand here, tilt my chin this way, turn my foot the other way, and look away and down?  
Huh? ;)

It was stress inducing, you all.  Again, my fashion blogger peers who do one or more posts a week where you photograph yourself looking all cute in fashion model like poses... props. 

But I was determined to get a quality, professional (and maybe even cute, dare I say?) shot of myself for the blog and for my social media outlets.  I decided it was time to ditch the Instagram selfies and call in my talented photog friend, Brian.  

Brian has known me forever.  Brian so beautifully photographed my wedding.  
I knew Brian would be boldly honest with me.  Like when he had to tell me to put on more eyeliner after the shot above.  
Yes, applying eye make-up has never been a talent of mine. ;)

I am not going to lie.  The shot above was the most awkward and the most difficult for me that day.  I knew what Brian was trying to get me to do.  I had seen similar poses in many fashion magazines and in trendy blog posts.  But I only felt out of my own skin when I was asked to touch my shoe, and then look down as if I was looking at down at my shoe, but not to actually look at my shoe.  (Again, huh??)

The shot above was post more eyeliner (and then maybe more).  Yes, Brian was right.  This looked so much better and helped my eyes to pop more.

Okay, so now I need your all's help.  I have narrowed down the top 3 shots that I like the most, but I can't decide which one I like best.  Which one represents Frugal Foodie Mama the best?  
I would love for you all to vote for your favorite in the post comments.  Each photo below has a number under it.  Vote by commenting below with 1, 2, or 3!  Whichever one gets the most votes will become my new profile photo for Frugal Foodie Mama on the blog and across all my social media outlets.  




Thank you all in advance for helping this mama make her mind up! 
Be sure to stop back here at 6pm EST today to link up your best recipe, DIY, and craft posts from the past week at Marvelous Mondays! :)

Also, please click on over to the Baking For Kate Facebook Page and give it a Like. I will be holding an online bake sale there May 18th and 19th to benefit my good friend Kate who was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer earlier this year.  All proceeds will benefit Kate and her family, and hopefully help her cross a few more things off her Mommy Bucket List.  I will be posting more details about the bake sale in the coming week.  
All of the photos in this post were taken by the talented Brian Bee of Will Bee Photography.  Please click on over and give him a Like, and if you happen to live down south and need a photographer Brian is most certainly your guy. :)