Frugal Foodie Mama: Spiked! ~Tequila Recipe Challenge~


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spiked! ~Tequila Recipe Challenge~

It is no big secret that myself and my good foodie blogger friend, Julie from This Gal Cooks  love to cook and bake with alcohol.   Don't believe me?  Then make sure to check out my recipes for Pina Colada Banana Bread with a Buttered Rum Glaze and Beer Cheese Risotto with Bacon.  Or Julie's Deep Dish Beer Crust Pizza and Irish Cream Mini Cheesecakes.  

Julie & I have teamed up to bring you all a recipe challenge with a twist (of lime or lemon, if you please ;) )- your recipe must feature the alcoholic beverage being spotlighted that month! Every two months there will be a new Spiked! Recipe Challenge with a new featured boozy beverage.  May's featured ingredient is....  tequila! (Or as we like to call it in this house sometimes, to-kill-ya. ;) )  It only seems appropriate since Cinco de Mayo is only a few days away, right?
So, let's get to the rules...

Julie and I would like for you to follow us via one of our many social media outlets.  Your choice-Bloglovin, RSS feed, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest... you get the idea.  Plus, following us both will keep you in the loop about upcoming dates for the challenges, announcements of winners, and so on.

You need to sign up by adding a link to your blog's home page in the linky at the end of this post.  Be sure to include your email address when adding your link- this is how we will email you all updates and reminders for the contest!

You must have the Spiked! button in your recipe post to be considered as an entrant.  It would also be SUPER awesome if you included the button on your sidebar, but it is not a requirement to win. ;)

The recipe you submit MUST BE YOUR OWN.  You can be inspired by another's recipe (and please include a link back somewhere in your post to that original recipe), but you must make that recipe your own in some way.

The recipe must feature the beverage of choice.  This month's Spiked! ingredient is tequila.  It does not have to be a high priced tequila- you can use an off brand. Your recipe can be anything BUT a drink recipe.  You must cook or bake with the Spiked! ingredient.  

You must link up your Tequila recipe when the linky goes live on May 15th, 2013 to be considered for judging.  The linky will remain open for just two days.  No entries will be accepted past that date.

All recipes will be judged by myself and Julie from This Gal Cooks.  
The winner will be announced one week after the entry linky has closed and will be emailed as well as announced on each of our blogs.  

The winner of the Spiked! Challenge will receive bragging rights of course, but there are a few other perks...

A Frugal Foodie Friends ad spot (250 x 300) with Frugal Foodie Mama for 30 days (starting June 1st)- plus a spotlight post on Frugal Foodie Mama featuring the winner, their winning recipe, and their blog!

A $10 Starbucks Gift Card from This Gal Cooks.

For inspiration for your Spiked! recipes, be sure you check out the past winners of the recipe challenges on my Spiked! Recipe Challenge page! :)  

Important Dates to Remember:
May 1st- Sign-ups start
May 8th- Sign-ups end
May 15th- Linky opens to submit your recipe entries (You will have only the 15th and 16th to link up!)
May 22nd- The Spiked! Tequila Recipe Challenge winner will be crowned!

Spread the word!  Send out a tweet about the contest... We have made it super easy with the nifty little button below:)