Frugal Foodie Mama: Marvelous Mondays Link Party #34


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Marvelous Mondays Link Party #34

Good evening and welcome to Marvelous Mondays! Julie and I are so happy to have you join us each week. We really enjoy your recipes and projects and we enjoy giving you the opportunity to share your creations with the blogging world. We'd love for you to spread the word about the party and invite your blogging friends to join the fun! We thank all of you for linking up each week and welcome any new bloggers who linked up! Let's keep this party growing!

And while you are here, go check out all the giveaways I have going on right now on my Giveaways Du Jour page.  Think giant fortune cookies (LAST DAY to enter this one!), printable party invitations, Jamberry nail shields & getting your household organized!  It has been just a little giveaway crazy on the blog the past two weeks, but you all are not complaining too much, right? ;)

Now, let's move on to the party.
Your Hosts
Last week's most viewed link:

A few of Julie and I's favorites...
From top left, down:

If you were featured, please feel free to grab a button here.
Party Rules
  • Please follow your hosts via Google Friend Connect, Twitter, BlogLovin, Facebook or RSS Feed. Please leave a comment stating how you followed so your host can follow you back. Your host and co-host links can be found at the top of the party post.
  • Please visit at least 2 other links. Leave a comment to let them know that you stopped by.
  • Grab a button. It's not mandatory but it helps get the word out about the party.
  • Link up your recipes, crafts or DIY projects. Please link something that you made. No giveaways or shops, please.
  • Please note that by linking up your posts and projects you are giving This Gal Cooks & Frugal Foodie Mama permission to use your photos in the featured posts and possibly on our social media outlets. All photos will be linked back to your sites and your posts.