Frugal Foodie Mama: February Blog Angels Half Way Update


Friday, February 15, 2013

February Blog Angels Half Way Update

This is my third time (yes, I think?) participating in Craftbotic's Blog Angels.  Blog Angels is truly something I look forward to doing every other month.  What is it?  Well, basically you choose another blogger & you secretly and stealthily show them some bloggy love for an entire month.
Without any expectation of reciprocation.
You do it just because you really like what they are doing over there in their bloggerhood.
You do it to reach out, help out, & to give back a little.  
Let's face it.  No matter how "big" of a blogger you are or will be, there was some other blogger out there just a little bigger who helped you get to where you are today, right?  Maybe promoted you a bit?  Or gave you some helpful pointers?  Hooked you up with a great opportunity?


For this round of Blog Angels, I felt a little ambitious & I took on not one but two blogs!  I actually wanted to do three, but I had to rein myself in just a little. ;)

So, what has a Blog Angel like myself been doing for the past 14 days for these two bloggers?
  • I have been shamelessly promoting them.  Not that they make it difficult for me to do.  They have terrific personalities (at least from what I can tell from their blogging & their social media presence), and they write great material.
  • I have been forming blogging relationships with them.  Collaborations, if you will for now and for possible ventures down the line.
  • I have been trying to provide them with opportunities to grow as much as I am able to.  They are the first bloggers I think of when I have an opportunity come to me that I think might also benefit them.
  • I comment on their posts... a lot.  Again, not difficult because they are both putting some good stuff out in the blogiverse.
  • Pinning!  I have recently come to discover that I have *a little* pinning power at Pinterest.  Who would have thunk it??   So I have been trying to use that not only for my own benefit, but to other bloggers' benefit as well.  I also belong to a couple of larger group Pinterest boards, so I have been pinning some of their posts and recipes to those boards to send some more blog traffic their way.
Okay, this is the half way link up which means I cannot yet quite reveal to you all who I have been Angeling for.  But be looking for a wrap up post near the end of February for the BIG reveal. ;)

Interested in getting involved with the next round of Blog Angels (because you totally should be!) in April?  CLICK HERE to get more info on the Blog Angels program and to keep up to date with future Blog Angels sign-up dates.