Frugal Foodie Mama: Co-hosting a Little Blog Hop by the Name of MNB


Monday, February 4, 2013

Co-hosting a Little Blog Hop by the Name of MNB

Welcome to the MNB Blog Hop! This is a great opportunity to meet some new bloggers in more than one way! You can like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them via GFC, or by using the new Google+ widget which I encourage you to do! The blog hop will run on the first Monday of every month and each month I'll be hosting a giveaway for people that link-up! This month I'm giving away a $125 gift card and just by linking up you can receive ten free entries!
Be sure to get comfortable, follow the rules, and enter the giveaway!
Giveaway is part of promotion that ends May 1st!

Rules of the Hop
This Hop is easy weasy part cheezie!

1. Follow your host and the four co-hosts below via GFC widget, New Google+ widget (If they have the widget), Facebook, Twitter, or Linky Followers by clicking on the links below and going to their blog. Take a moment, look around, find their widgets, follow and leave a comment! The host and co-hosts are also the first six link-ups located at the bottom of this blog post!

(Host) Nathan @ Life & Everything Else In Between

(Co-Host) Carrie @ Frugal Foodie Mama

(Co-Host) Laura @ Hooked Up On This

(Co-Host) Heather @ The Life Unexpected

(Co-Host) Kendra @ The Adventures of Brad & Kendra

(Co-Host) Kristin @ Tales From The Nook

(Co-Host) Marie @ Listening Rather Then Speaking

2.  Be sure to come back and follow at least two participants in the blog hop and leave a comment on their blog! Feel free to follow anybody you want, after all, the hop is for you to meet new bloggers!

about the Blog Hop!

4. Most importantly:
Link-Up your blog (not a specific post) at the bottom of the page

5. Feel free to grab the button for your side bar!


If you would like to co-host in the future send me an email

Click Here For More Details

a Rafflecopter giveaway