Frugal Foodie Mama: Just Getting in on the 52 Weeks....


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Just Getting in on the 52 Weeks....

This week I am linking up with Amber from My Three Bittles for her 52 Weeks project.  The concept is 52 weeks, 52 acts of kindness.  You document your random acts of kindness, blog it out, and then link up with Amber each Friday.  

Okay so we are 3 weeks into the 52 for the year, so I had a little catching up to do...
As most of you who follow along with me know, my family and I just moved into a new home this week.  This was a perfect opportunity for me to go through our kitchen pantry and our closets and find items that we could donate to a local mission.  Act #1

Also as I was clearing out the bathroom cabinets, I found an almost full box of nursing pads that I really don't need.  I put a tweet out to find a mama in need and sent them off to the first one who responded.  Act #2

For the past 8 months, we have been living in our landlord's home while she was training for a job out of state.  The timing for when she needed tenants and for when we needed a new home couldn't have been more perfect.  To welcome her back to her home, I left her a little basket of home canned goodies, a locally made bath fizzy (for that awesome soak-in tub... I miss it already), and a few other fun things.  Act #3

Today while running errands, I had to pop into Aldi's for a couple of things.  I had 3 quarters in my pocket and slid each of them into the first 3 carts in the corral.  I didn't even need a cart myself. :)  Act #4

I have been inspired by Amber and her project, and I hope that my post has brought you a little inspiration as well.  If you want to learn more about how to be a part of 52 Weeks, just click on the button down there...
52 weeks of kindness

If you are a blogger and are looking for a fabulous way to commit random acts of kindness for another fellow blogger, make sure you check out and consider becoming a Blog Angel.  Blog Angels was started by Rosie over at Craftbotic.  I have been involved with Blog Angels for the past couple of months and it has been a truly rewarding experience.  She is need for more Angels the next go-round in February, so please consider signing up if you are able. :)

Have you committed any random acts of kindness this week?  Or maybe were you the recipient of one?  Let me know about it!  I am looking for more inspiration for the next 49 weeks. ;)

Psssttt... Like my new watermark for my blog photos?  It is courtesy of one of my newest bloggy friends, Lisa from Wine and Glue! :)  Go give her a visit if you are in the market for a custom watermark.