Frugal Foodie Mama: How Kiss Nail Dress Is Helping This Mama Reach One of Her 2013 Goals


Friday, January 11, 2013

How Kiss Nail Dress Is Helping This Mama Reach One of Her 2013 Goals

You all may remember my 10 Goals (Note: Not Resolutions) for the New Year post.    One of my goals for 2013 is making myself look a wee bit more "presentable" more of a priority.  I spent most of 2012 frumping around and telling myself it was okay (even expected!) since I was the mother to a brand new baby.  And yes, that was acceptable.... for maybe like the first 3-6 months.  But baby girl will be a year old in less than one month.  

Finding the time and energy to doll myself up is not as easy these days.  I spend most of my time at home with my baby girl, and have convinced myself one too many times that the effort isn't worth it.  
Yep. I lost my motivation to stay up on trends... or at least my eyebrows. ;)

But I am stepping up my game.  So far this New Year, I have already had pretty, sparkly toes...
(This is the first time my toenails have seen any kind of color at all in MONTHS.)

And now a new pretty look for my fingernails!  
(You all, I have not had a french manicure of any kind on my nails since my wedding day over a year and a half ago.)

And this is all courtesy of the Kiss Nail Dress I received in my Influenster Holiday VoxBox '12.  

Let me break it down as to why you ,as a mother, need Kiss Nail Dress:

A.  There is NO drying time.  None.  So it doesn't matter if you have only got half of your nails done when the baby wakes up from a nap, or your toddler drops the hair brush in the toilet.  You are good to go.  Just come back and finish up your nails with the stickers when you get a another free minute or two.  

B.  Fun, trendy prints.  Lots of them.  So you can at least be "hip" on your tips and toenails, right? (Just disregard the frizzy, crazy headbanded hair. ;) )

C.  They last.  I had the Kiss Nail Dress on my toenails for 9 days.  9 days.  Now, I did have 1 or 2 somehow peel off in that time and had to replace them, but that took me like 2 minutes. Can you fix a fancy (expensive) salon manicure that gets chipped in 2 minutes?  Yeah,  Didn't think so... (By the way, I am really daring because I just did the manicure on my fingernails 3 days before we move.  I will have to give you all an update of how they held up after the move.)

D.  In comparison to the salon, Kiss Nail Dress is cheap.  They retail at around $7 for a package of 28 nail stickers.  So far I have got the above manicure you see and the toenails out of my one pack, and I still have enough left to do a french manicure again on my toes or fingernails.  

On a side note, the fingernails did require *a little* drying time because I painted my nails first with a sheer nude nail color and then cut the moons from my nail stickers to make the tips.  But I was still able to get the nails done, dried, and typed up this post while baby girl was taking her evening nap. ;)

Don't just take my word for it.  Make sure you visit the Influenster Kiss Nail Dress Review Page to see what other Influensters thought of the Kiss Nail Dress.  (Oh, and you just may find a coupon code there for 50% off and free shipping for Kiss Nail Dress.  Just saying. ;) )

*The opinions above are strictly my own.  Yep, all 100% me, myself, and I.  I was provided this product to review courtesy of Influenster, but in no way was obligated or compensated in any other way.  If you are interested in having me review an item, please see my Sponsor Page for contact information.