Frugal Foodie Mama: A Guest Recipe for Homemade Coconut Mini Donuts {& a Giveaway!}


Friday, January 11, 2013

A Guest Recipe for Homemade Coconut Mini Donuts {& a Giveaway!}

I am so thrilled to have Susan from Adventures in my Kitchen guest posting on the blog today.  She is another one of my lovely January sponsors and shares my affinity for donuts! :) Today she is sharing a recipe for one of her favorite homemade donut recipes with you all, AND she wants to give one of you a $10 Amazon gift card! Make sure you stop on over to her blog and say hello. And if you really want to see what Susan and her blog are all about, make sure you check out her 12 Most Popular in 2012 post.  There are a lot of great recipes you don't want to miss out on pinning over there! ;)

Hey y'all, I'm Susan from Adventures in my Kitchen! I started blogging in 2011 as a way to keep track of my culinary creations while striving to create super tasty yet healthy and energizing meals. Along the way I discovered first hand that food is fuel, lost almost 20lbs, and also I got back in touch with my creative side. I absolutely love blogging and the community surrounding it!

Today, I am sharing with you lovely Frugal Foodie Mama readers one of my favorite breakfast treats, the Baked Coconut Donut. I am a big fan of both coconut and breakfast in general, so any time I can have them both is a win all around! *this is a treat and is in no way part of my regular healthy lifestyle, just so we're clear*

I bake my donuts in a Wilton Non-Stick Mini-Donut pan that I got from Amazon. I'd be a big tease if I showed you this nummy donut recipe and left you pan-less, so I am giving away a $10 gift card so you can buy your own!
Wilton Mini-Donut Pan from

I won't make you wait much longer, just wanted to say thanks to Carrie for having me over! Dear readers, I hope you love these donuts and come over to join the Adventures in my Kitchen!

Homemade Coconut Mini Donuts
Makes approx 24 mini donuts

2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
2 teasp baking powder
1 teasp salt
3/4 cup buttermilk (no, I don't keep this in my fridge, I made it. yea, I'm fancy)
2 beaten eggs
2 tablespoons melted butter
         2 teaspoons coconut extract

Preheat oven to 375*
Spray mini donut pan(s) with non-stick spray
In one bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder & salt. Combine well. Add buttermilk, eggs, melted butter, & extract. Beat with mixer on medium until well combined. Fill donut cups about 1/2 full- I suggest piping them with a pastry bag or ziplock with the a corner cut.
Bake for 5-10mins or until puffed up and tops spring back when lightly touched. Remove to a wire cooling rack- once donuts have cooled make the glaze.

Glaze & Topping
1.5 cups powdered sugar
1/4 teasp salt
1/4 teasp coconut extract
1/4 cup coconut water
1 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut

Mix all ingredients except the shredded coconut until combined. Let sit for a few mins to thicken up a little bit. Place shredded coconut on a plate for dipping.

After donuts have cooled, dip the entire donut in the glaze and then roll completely in the shredded coconut.

Now get to entering for that $10 Amazon gift card so you can get your very own nifty mini-donut pan!  
*This giveaway is open internationally.  All entries for the winner will be checked and verified, so please make sure you are doing what you are claiming in the Rafflecopter or all your entries will be voided.  No funny business, folks. ;)  Please see the Rafflecopter widget below for additional Terms & Conditions.  Good luck, all!