Frugal Foodie Mama: A Little Sunday Potluck- 12~2~12


Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Little Sunday Potluck- 12~2~12

Good Sunday morning, all!  And welcome to this week's A Little Sunday Potluck spread... :)
Who doesn't love a good potluck, right?  A little of this, a little of that, and a whole lot of awesomeness!  And that is exactly what you will find in my weekly A Little Sunday Potluck posts.  
Each Sunday I will post my top 5 blog finds for the week.  These could be a recipe, a great DIY project, a piece or two on natural parenting, some great blogging advice, a terrific money saving tip... whatever pops out at me during the week before.

So, grab your compartmentalized plate & your plastic spork and enjoy a little Sunday Potluck from me to you... ;)

Happy HalloChristGiving, Charlie Brown from Broke Wife, Big City
All I can say, is AMEN to all of this!  One holiday at time, please. ;)

Deck the Halls with Peaceful Breastfeeding from Amber McCann, IBCLC via Hygeia
Great tips for maintaining nursing zen when the holidays get too hectic. 

Thrifty Tips for Seasonal Decorating from Blissful and Domestic
Fabulous tips for decking your halls without denting your wallet. ;)

Slow cooker?  Buffalo Chicken?  Mac & Cheese?  Sold! ;)

Shop Small Businesses from The Vagabond Studio
Loving this piece from Shai on why it is important to shop small businesses this season even if you have to shell out a couple extra bucks. ;)

And a bonus post!  
We Can Do It!  from Bubby and Bean
In order to encourage our readers and followers to shop small this holiday season, Melissa has created fabulous banners and buttons that you can grab and slap anywhere on your blogs, Facebook pages, etc.  For FREE!  See mine on my sidebar?>>  :)
Thank you, Melissa!

To see my past A Little Sunday Potluck posts, CLICK HERE.

What blog posts stood out to you this week?  What would YOU bring to my Sunday Potluck? ;)

And while you are here, you had might as well head over and enter my Blogger Appreciation Giveaway happening right now.  Two great prize packages for two very lucky bloggers- ad spots, Starbucks, Target, and blog design work up for grabs! :)