Frugal Foodie Mama: Who's Ready for a Christmas Cookie {Recipe} Swap?


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Who's Ready for a Christmas Cookie {Recipe} Swap?

I am so excited to be co-hosting this fabulous Christmas Cookie Swap!  Baking cookies for the holidays has always been a tradition in my house.  When my son was younger, he would love to pull up a chair at the dining room table and decorate countless sugar cookies with sprinkles, and sugars, and red hots.  Now that he is a teenager he isn't as interested anymore.  I am looking forward to when baby girl is a just a wee bit older, and I can pass this holiday tradition on to her.  

Julie from White Lights on Wednesdays (you may remember her from me being her October Blog Angel ;) ) approached me about this fabulous idea for a Christmas Cookie Swap.  Only this one is unlike any cookie swap I had heard of before...  You don't bake cookies and send them to your swap partner.  You snail mail them your recipe, they make it, and then post the results on their blog!  I knew I was 100% in.  Every Christmas I bake the traditional favorites, but I always try to throw in one new cookie recipe into the mix. There are a few other lovely bloggers who will also be co-hosting this fun little swap...
Kim @ The Sunflower Supper Club

Make sure you pop over to these fabulous ladies' blogs and say hello! :)  

So here's the deal if you want to party.  Click the sign-up button below, fill out the form, and pick your favorite Christmas cookie recipe.  There is a place to note if you have food allergies or dietary preferences in your house that your sender should be conscious of (your partners will have the same diet preferences as you, is possible).  Everyone will send their recipe to their assigned partner.  The person you send a recipe to will not be the same person you receive a recipe from.

By signing up you agree to mail a hand written copy of your cookie recipe to your recipient.  You also agree to make the recipe sent to you and share photos and the recipe in a blog post.  If you do not have a blog, you can still participate!  Simply send your photos, recipe, and thoughts on the experience to and one of the co-hosts will share your "post" on their blog.

Are you ready to start baking & get in the Christmas cookie spirit?

{Sign Up is open through Nov. 23rd at 11:59pm}