Frugal Foodie Mama: Thankful Challenge 2012 ~Sweet Baby Girl~


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Challenge 2012 ~Sweet Baby Girl~

Do we take enough time each week, each day, each hour to really consider and be humbled by all that we are thankful for in our lives?  I, for one, know that I realize how fortunate and blessed that I am, but I am not always as diligent about expressing it.  About letting the ones I love and care about in my life know how grateful I am to know them, to love them, and to know that they love me back.  
I am happy to say that I will be participating in Janelle's from Domestically Seasoned's Thankful Challenge 2012 for the month of November.  Each Thursday, you post about something or someone that you are thankful for.  You can participate every Thursday of this month or just one or two, but just be sure to link up on the Domestically Seasoned blog after you have published your post.  Let's all share our stories of thankfulness! :)

Today I am thankful beyond words for my baby girl.  There was a time when she was just a dream for me... a dream I wasn't sure would ever become a reality.  Over a year and a half ago, I was still not convinced that I would be able to have another child.  She is my miracle baby... my rainbow. <3

I am grateful for every single day that I am blessed to be her mama.  I cherish each moment.  Each sweet baby hug.  Every precious smile.  The smell of her soft baby curls...

What are you thankful for today?  Have a post?  Then link it up with the Thankful Challenge 2012 with Domestically Seasoned...
Domestically Seasoned