Okay, so I wish I would have had these photos available to me digitally last week because I would have totally included them in my Tuesday10 Costumes of Halloween Past and Present post! If you recall in that post, I gushed over some of the costumes my mother had made me when I was a little girl. How I always looked forward to Halloween because I couldn't wait to dress up. Well, here are those VERY same costumes I was telling you all about!
The Mermaid costume- please note, this was pre-Ariel. I just loved mermaids then. ;)
The princess costume! (And yes, I am carrying my Cabbage Patch doll and she is wearing a matching princess dress.)
And the year I was a Rubik's cube. I am not going to lie- I was pretty jealous of my sister's Pippi Longstocking's costume that year. I mean, how awesome does she look??
So, there you go! Now My Tuesday10 went from a Tuesday6 to a Tuesday9. ;)