Frugal Foodie Mama: My New Look (& a Giveaway for a Blog Makeover of Your Own!)


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My New Look (& a Giveaway for a Blog Makeover of Your Own!)

The winner has been announced!  Congratulations, Tracy S.!! :)  Didn't win?  You can still get $10 off a Custom Blog Design Package through the end of November from Blog Sites by Suzy!  Just mention you were sent by Frugal Foodie Mama when contacting Suzy about your new look. ;)

It is no big secret by now that the Frugal Foodie Mama site got a whole new look a few weeks back.  My friend Suzy from Blog Designs by Suzy is the creative lady behind my fresh and clean design.  Suzy communicated with me during each step of the design process, making sure I loved the color scheme, the layout, and the details of the design.  Once we had decided on all the details and my new blog design was ready to go, Suzy even went in and installed the new look for me.  (I may be just *a little* challenged in that area. ;) )

I am obviously in love with my new look!  Some of the smallest details are my favorites, notably my cute signature (go look at it down below!) and a little toadstool for a blog site icon- see it ^^^ up there? 

Some of you all may remember Suzy from when I did a spotlight feature on her jewelry shop (CLICK HERE to read that post and learn a little more about Suzy.) Suzy and her husband are on the path towards starting their family through adoption.  All the proceeds from her new blog design business will go directly toward the costs they are incurring to adopt.  As most of you are probably aware, the adoption path is not a cheap one.  So every little bit helps.   To read the latest update from Suzy on where she and her husband are at in their adoption journey, read her post here from yesterday. :)
Alright, now here is the good part- Suzy is going to give one of my lucky readers (and you MUST have a Blogger blog- she is not doing WordPress at this time), a free custom upgrade for your blog including:
A Custom Header
A Custom Background
A Personalized Footer (Signature)
A Grab Button
Up to $7 of Clip Art or Images
~A $50 Value!~

Ummmm... how awesome is that??  And even if you happen to not win this fabulous giveaway, you can still win because Suzy is offering $10 off the custom package above to all of my readers just for the month of November! :)  You just have to let her know that you were sent over from Frugal Foodie Mama and the discount is your's, friends. 

Okay, ready to win?  Please remember your blog must be on the Blogger platform in order to win.  Giveaway is open internationally.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway