Frugal Foodie Mama: Fall Favorites Foodie Swap


Friday, November 2, 2012

Fall Favorites Foodie Swap

Earlier this month I signed up to do the Fall Favorites Swap from Mia at The Chronicles of Chaos and Kim from The K.O. Jewelry.  We were each matched up with a swap partner based on what our favorite thing about fall is.  Yes, shockingly one of my favorite things about the fall season is the food.  ;)  I was matched with Kristen from This Radiant Life.  Kristen and I corresponded quite a bit back and forth before putting together and sending out our packages.  Kristen sent me some fabulous fall foodie goodies.  In addition to two huge bags of candy corn and autumn mix candies, she also sent me this yummy Gingerbread Cookie coffee from Dunkin Donuts...
I even broke my steadfast rule of not opening a new bag coffee until I had finished the one I already have open just to try this.  ;) I couldn't help myself.

Kristen sent me 4 (well, 3- one broke in transit) fall colored ramekins and some cute apple tea towels.  I am thinking maybe some pumpkin brulee for the ramekins? :)

She also sent me an assortment of four different fall inspired sprinkles. I used one of them to decorate the carrot pumpkin bundt cake I took to my parents' Halloween costume party.  (Oh, that recipe is coming to the blog VERY soon friends. ;) )

Want to see what I sent Kristen's way? ;)  Here is a sneak peek ^^^ of the box that I sent her.  Hope on over to Kristen's blog and check out her swap post to find out! 
