Frugal Foodie Mama: Calling on My Food Blogger Friends! Join in November 8th & Help Show Support for Sandy...


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Calling on My Food Blogger Friends! Join in November 8th & Help Show Support for Sandy...

We all have been seeing the photos and hearing the stories of the complete devastation so many of our friends and loved ones and fellow citizens have been experiencing since Hurricane Sandy swept through their cities, towns, and neighborhoods.  Homes destroyed, families forever changed, loved ones lost, the misery of having no heat or electric or a warm meal.  My natural inclination is to want to make a huge batch of homemade soup or a casserole and a warm apple pie and find some way to personally deliver it to one of those families in need of a little comfort food.  Unfortunately, I cannot do that even though my heart longs to.  But I will show support in a way that is possible for me... by joining with other food bloggers on November 8th to post our favorite comfort food recipes, donate to Red Cross, and hopefully inspire a few others to make a small donation to help those who are struggling in the wake of the flooding and destruction.

I first heard about this blogging project from Barbara who blogs over at Creative Culinary.
So, I am asking my fellow food bloggers (and even non food bloggers if you happen to have a great recipe!)- will you also join in on November 8th?  (Please, please, please say yes?)  Visit the link to Creative Culinary above to get more information on the project and to get the code for the button you see below. :)  

I can't wait to see all of your fabulous comfort food recipes linked up at Creative Culinary next Thursday!