Frugal Foodie Mama: Blog Angels ~The Ultimate Xmas Edition~ (Pssssttt... Get Signed Up, You All!)


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blog Angels ~The Ultimate Xmas Edition~ (Pssssttt... Get Signed Up, You All!)

With all the crazy negativity and just plain meanness happening in the blogosphere recently, I am thankful for Rosie from Craftbotic for heading up a bloggers' project that's goal is only to spread positivity and offer support to fellow bloggers.  Oh, and you do this all anonymously without the expectation that you will get something in return for it.  Better use of anonymity, don't you think? ;) 
I was fortunate that I made the sign-up for Rosie's October Blog Angels, and it was a wonderful experience for me.  (CLICK HERE to read my wrap-up post from the October Blog Angels project.)
Read all the details below (December Blog Angels is being run a bit differently from the October Blog Angels) and get signed up now!  Let's drown out the negative Nellies and their pettiness with some bloggy love and hope, shall we? ;)


The Ultimate edition of Blog Angels is about to start and it promises to be bigger than ever. If you're a veteran Angel then pay close attention as we've thrown the rule book for this round out of the window.
This time it is ALL about the giving. You will sign-up to help a blog of your choice, knowing there might not be any chance of receiving help. Most participants don't do this to be helped so  I am excited what we can, as a community, do to spread the Christmas cheer.
So here are the December rules and the sign up form is right below.
1. Find a blog you want to help in secret - this could be new to you or an existing blogger in need of a boost. Try and give the URL of a reserve blog to help in case your first choice is in hot demand.
2. Fill in the form (on the blog from 10th November!)
3. Wait for an email before 30th November confirming you can help that person. I will make sure that everyone isn't trying to assist the same person.
4. Help them with their blog in secret for one month, committing to commenting a minimum of twice a week. See more advice on what else you can do here.
5. Link up a post summarising what help you have given throughout the first two weeks. (15th December)
6. Link up a reveal post on 30th December and contact your blog to let them know you've been their festive buddy for the month.

Blog Angels December Sign Up Form
If you fancy helping me out in promoting the sign-up, I'd be so grateful. If we had 250 people taking part....well...we'll be a small way to changing the world.....maybe!
Christmas is my favourite time of the year. So what a better way to make my grin 8 feet wide than with helping out?
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