Frugal Foodie Mama: A Little Sunday Potluck- 11~11~12


Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Little Sunday Potluck- 11~11~12

Good Sunday morning, all!  And welcome to this week's A Little Sunday Potluck spread... :)

Who doesn't love a good potluck, right?  A little of this, a little of that, and a whole lot of awesomeness!  And that is exactly what you will find in my weekly A Little Sunday Potluck posts.  
Every other Sunday I will post my top 5 blog finds for the week.  My Potluck co-host, Annie from MontanaSolarCreations, will be featuring her top 5 blog finds on my off Sundays. (Psssttt... that means that you need to head over to her blog next Sunday to grab ~A Little Sunday Potluck~! ;) ) These could be a recipe, a great DIY project, a piece or two on natural parenting, some great blogging advice, a terrific money saving tip... whatever pops out at us during the week before.

So, grab your compartmentalized plate & your plastic spork and enjoy a little Sunday Potluck from me to you... ;)

10 Tips for Organizing for the Holidays from Mom on Timeout
Great pointers to get you spending more time with your loved ones and less time stressing this holiday season!  I especially liked that she shared her breakdown for getting geared up for hosting Thanksgiving dinner. ;)

It is no big secret that I am graphically challenged.  ;) Rosie gives you super easy step by step instructions on how to create a snazzy new Cover Photo for your Facebook page using PicMonkey.  

Crock Pot Sweet Potato Casserole from I Wash... You Dry
I was on the lookout for one dish I could prepare for Thanksgiving dinner in my Crock Pot.  Bingo!  Found it! ;) I have a small in-wall oven, so the less I can make in the oven, the better!

How to Have a No Debt Christmas from Purposefully Simple
Great advice on how to let go of the guilt that most of us all feel if we don't buy all our family members snazzy, pricey gifts we can't really afford for the holidays.  

Are You Sponsor-worthy? Part 1 from Baxtron {Life}
No photo with this one, but great tips on making sure your blog is up to par for blog-to-blog sponsorship (aka, ads from other bloggers).

To see my past A Little Sunday Potluck posts, CLICK HERE.

What blog posts stood out to you this week?  What would YOU bring to my Sunday Potluck? ;)

And while you are here, don't forget to get entered to win a Custom Blog Design Package from Blog Sites by Suzy (Yep! She gave my blog it's new look!)- CLICK HERE to enter. :)