Good Sunday morning, all! And welcome to this week's A Little Sunday Potluck spread... :)
Who doesn't love a good potluck, right? A little of this, a little of that, and a whole lot of awesomeness! And that is exactly what you will find in my weekly A Little Sunday Potluck posts.
Each Sunday I will post my top 5 blog finds for the week. These could be a recipe, a great DIY project, a piece or two on natural parenting, some great blogging advice, a terrific money saving tip... whatever pops out at me during the week before.
So, grab your compartmentalized plate & your plastic spork and enjoy a little Sunday Potluck from me to you... ;)
Six Frugal Toddler Activities from Stacy Makes Cents
I so pinned this one for future reference for baby girl. Learning fun does not have be expensive. ;) And how cool is the painting an old dish rack idea for storing everything??
Top 10 Slow Cooker Soups for Fall from little kitchen, big bites
Yes, folks. It IS that time of the year. I use my Crock Pot all year round, but she gets used at least 1-2 times a week during the cooler months. And what is better than coming home to a hearty, homemade soup or stew for dinner that has been simmering all day??
Fine Motor Activities(that are cheap!) from Spoon Fed Baby
Woo-hoo! More fabulously frugal ideas for keeping baby busy AND helping them learn new skills. I mean, how cute (and awesome!) is this colander and pipe cleaners idea?? These are MY kind of toys for baby girl. ;)
Silhouettes And Handprints Tutorial from Achieving Creative Order
This is such a fabulous idea to mark your children's growth from year and to year! You update the silhouette and add a handprint! :) Definitely starting this with baby girl on her first birthday in February. Think she will hold still long enough for me to snap a profile pic of her? ;)
Just look at the photo below. Those brownies look amazingly decadent, moist, thick, and super chocolaty. Oh, and I happen to have a few very ripe bananas right now. Wonder what I will do with them? Hmmmmm... ;)
Okay, you all. I am going to set aside a little time this coming week and work on fixing my Sunday Potluck Feature button. It has been brought to my attention that there is something wonky in the coding. So just hang tight if you were featured this week or in past weeks and would like to proudly display my feature button. ;) I promise to have it available and in proper working order by next Sunday's post!
To see my past A Little Sunday Potluck posts, CLICK HERE.
What blog posts stood out to you this week? What would YOU bring to my Sunday Potluck? ;)