Frugal Foodie Mama: A Cause Close to my Heart ~Project Sweet Peas~ (& a Cookbook Giveaway!)


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Cause Close to my Heart ~Project Sweet Peas~ (& a Cookbook Giveaway!)

Today I am truly honored to be sharing with you all a little about a non-profit organization that has become near and dear to my heart, Project Sweet Peas.  I met my dear friend Kate Crawford over a year and a half ago when I joined a local support group for mothers who had suffered pregnancy and/or infant loss. Kate is the co-founder and president of Project Sweet Peas.  The first time I met Kate, she brought me an absolutely beautiful memory box for my sweet angels.  I remember that I wouldn't allow myself to open it until I arrived home.  Kate and I had met at restaurant, and I knew if I had opened it there I would have broke down crying in front of everyone there.  To read a bit more on how I have been involved with Project Sweet Peas, please click on over to my Remembering My Angels post from last fall (just ignore the REALLY poor quality photos please ;) ).

Kate helped start Project Sweet Peas in 2009 two years after the loss of her sweet angel Shannon to a congenital heart defect after 3 days in the NICU.  Shortly after the loss of her precious Shannon, she was pregnant again and miscarried.  Kate realized there was little support for herself and her husband as NICU parents or for parents who had suffered the loss of a pregnancy or baby.  In honor of Shannon's memory, she decided to change that and has since delivered over 5,000 NICU care packages and Angel memory boxes to emotionally drained and devastated parents through Project Sweet Peas

Kate and Project Sweet Peas has been gracious and kind enough to give me an extra copy of their Sweetfully Yours Cookbooks to give away to one of my readers in honor of raising awareness for pregnancy and infant loss during the month of October.

Here is a sneak peek of just a couple of the recipes in the cookbook... 

And there just may be a recipe in there from yours truly... ;)

Please set aside a few moments to visit the Project Sweet Peas site and consider making a donation to this selfless and valuable organization (Hey, and you get a ton of extra entries if you do make a donation!) :)

Ready to enter?  Just use the Rafflecopter form below!  

* This giveaway is open to US residents only. Please be sure that you are doing what you claim to be doing for entries!  I do check them.  This giveaway ends at 12:01am on October 31st.