Frugal Foodie Mama: A Random Act of Kindness Update- The Universe Nudged & I Nudged Back


Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Random Act of Kindness Update- The Universe Nudged & I Nudged Back

Do you all remember my Random Act of Kindness post from Tuesday?  I talked about Operation Beautiful and how I was originally inspired by a post-it note I saw in a Starbucks restroom over a year ago?

Yesterday I was emailing back and forth with a young lady about a possible product review for the company she works for.  She requested my blog address, and I emailed her the link.  And then it happened... she saw my photo of the note in my Random Act of Kindness post.  She emailed me immediately after reading it.  IT WAS HER NOTE! :)  She is the muse for my random acts of kindness this week!  How cool is that??

The universe nudged, and I listened and acted.  She has always wondered if her note ever did anyone any good.  If anyone ever even saw it. And now she knows the impact of what her one small act had.  And guess what?  She is also a blogger. ;) And she blogged about our little discovery too.  Want to read her post?  Of course you do!  CLICK HERE to check it out.

P.S.  I left my first post-it beside the mirror in the women's locker room at my local YMCA earlier this week.  I wonder if I will ever find out if I made an impact with it? ;)