"What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it."
I follow an inspirational website on Twitter called Tiny Buddha. One morning last week I signed onto my Twitter, and Tiny Buddha had tweeted the quote above. It was one of those "huh" moments for me. How often do we trudge through each day, just trying to get to the end of the workday, or to when our spouse comes home from work to help with the kids, or for bedtime when we finally get a little quiet? I know I have been guilty of going through days of my life with blinders on. Just get to this moment, this hour, this place in the day. But what about the other moments leading up to that time? Why should those be tossed aside while waiting for a better moment in time?
I think this quote puts it all in perspective. We only have so many days left on this planet- to be with our loved ones, to make a difference, to smile and laugh. Is what you are doing today worth the price of even one of those days? I find myself asking this question more often now.