Your favorite summer and fall flavors meld perfectly in this creamy & healthy Pumpkin Spice Coconut Smoothie Bowl...
Did anyone else get hit by that sinus cold/infection thing that has been going around lately? I was down with it for most of last week, and I am so not good at being sick. Or doing that resting thing, but this crud kicked my booty. I found myself napping or lying down whenever I could and heading to bed early almost every night for at least five nights last week.
And when this mama is down for the count, cooking meals at home comes to an abrupt and grinding halt. My husband doesn't really cook often, so I found myself texting him to pick up pizza or fast food before he came home from work last week more times than I would like to admit to you all.
Add in the fact that I was in no shape to head to the gym at all for the duration of that yuckiness, and I was feeling pretty sluggish and unhealthy by the time this thing finally ran its course near the beginning of this week. I have eased back into my gym routine, but I am craving healthy foods after all the greasy fast food I consumed last week.
Wanting to get back to some healthier eating, I decided to finally take the leap and made my first ever smoothie bowl. If you are not familiar with a smoothie bowl, you whip it up in a blender the same as you would a smoothie. But a smoothie bowl is thicker making it perfectly spoonable- like a healthy, cold "soup" that is perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Since I am craving fall flavors, but still clinging a little to summer I decided to meld one of my favorite summer flavors (coconut) with one of my favorite fall flavors (pumpkin) in this creamy Pumpkin Spice Coconut Smoothie Bowl... :)
Pumpkin Spice Coconut Smoothie Bowl

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: None
Ingredients (1 serving)
- 1/2 of a ripe avocado, mashed
- 6 oz container of nonfat or low fat coconut yogurt (can use Greek or regular)
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 cup of coconut or almond milk (can use soy or regular milk as well)
- 1 tbsp turbinado sugar (can use honey instead)
- Toasted coconut chips & additional chia seeds for topping
Add the avocado, coconut yogurt, 1 tbsp chia seeds, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, almond or coconut milk, and turbinado sugar to your blender. Blend until smooth.
Pour into a bowl and garnish with toasted coconut chips & chia seeds (or toppings of your choice).
Dig in and enjoy!
I topped my Pumpkin Spice Coconut Smoothie Bowl with some of my favorite toasted coconut chips and an extra sprinkling of chia seeds, but you could top this smoothie bowl with toasted pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, etc. That is sort of the really fun part about a smoothie bowl that you don't necessarily get with a smoothie- topping it! :)
How do you get back to feeling healthy fast after being sick?
How would you top your Pumpkin Spice Coconut Smoothie Bowl?
Looking for even more delicious fall inspired recipes? :) Be sure to follow my Fall Favorite Recipes board on Pinterest...
Follow Carrie (Frugal Foodie Mama)'s board Fall Favorite Recipes on Pinterest.