This easy to make DIY Beach Themed Fairy Garden is the perfect way to preserve and cherish those summertime beach memories...
With back to school quickly approaching (or already here for some of you all) and summer winding down, I am always trying to find some fun ways to help preserve and stretch out some of those sand & sun filled memories from our beach vacations. Anyone else always come home from the beach with buckets of seashore treasures? Namely sea shells, a ziploc baggie or two of sand, and maybe a little driftwood for good measure? We always do! It is one of my daughter's and I's favorite things to do at the beach- finding pretty sea shells so we can bring a piece (or thirty) back home with us. The problem is that the shells just usually sit there in the buckets or baggies until we discover them the next summer while prepping for our next family vacation to the shore. This summer I decided that Little Miss and I were not just going to let those sea shells and sand sit around stashed away and forgotten. We were going to transform them into something that we could enjoy all year round- a beach themed fairy garden!
This DIY Beach Themed Fairy Garden is SO easy to make, folks. My three year old helped every step of the way with this, so it is definitely something you can get the kiddos in on to help with. Clean-up is also super easy when you use some of my favorite Check This Out... products from Kroger! And what I also love about this beach themed fairy garden is that you can add onto each year that you take a trip to the beach. It becomes a challenge to find new pretty sea shells and trinkets from the beach side shops to add to the fairy garden when you get home. And hey- fairies need a beach vacation too, right? ;) It is fun to create a little piece of the beach in your garden that your children can imagine the fairies visiting and relaxing a bit in.
Want to find out how to make a beach themed fairy garden of your own? Be sure to head over to the Kroger Inspired Gathering site where I am sharing the easy step-by-step tutorial for how to make one for yourself.
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