Frugal Foodie Mama: Frugal Foodie Mama's Top 14 Recipes of 2014


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Frugal Foodie Mama's Top 14 Recipes of 2014

Which Frugal Foodie Mama recipes were you clicking on, making, and pinning the most the past year? Find out now in my Top 14 Recipes of 2014...
Frugal Foodie Mama's Top 14 Recipes of 2014- the recipes you were clicking on, making, and pinning the most in 2014
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I have to say that 2014 was an amazing year for the Frugal Foodie Mama blog.  At the beginning of the year, I set five rather lofty blog goals for 2014 and I am happy and thrilled to say that I met all but one of them. :)  I wanted to reach 15,000 Facebook fans (check!), 30,000 Pinterest fans (check!), attend my first in-person blogger conference (check!), make a certain income from my blogging for the year (check!), and reach an average of 200,000 page views a month for the year. I knew that last one was super ambitious for me, but even though I didn't reach my goal number I did come pretty darn close. 

While I haven't set my blog goals for 2015 quite yet, I do know that one thing I will definitely be focusing on more is creating a better balance between my blogging and my home & family life.  Just like with any business you build yourself, a blog requires a lot of time, effort, and determination... and a certain degree of stubbornness up front. ;)  I would have never dreamed that when I really buckled down and got serious about this blog of mine in the summer of 2012 that it would be where it is today. And a lot of that has to do with each of you.  If it wasn't for you all coming back here day after day for my recipes, budget savvy tips, and family travels, Frugal Foodie Mama wouldn't be where it is on this last day of 2014. You have allowed me to stay at home with my sweet girl, be there for so many cross country and track meets for my son, help provide for my family, & all while doing something that I absolutely love.  For that, I say Thank you, friends. :)

And now without further adieu, here are the top 14 recipes from 2014 that had you all clicking back for more...

And now the recipe you all have been waiting for! The #1 most clicked, most made, and most pinned Frugal Foodie Mama of 2014 is...

What was your favorite Frugal Foodie Mama recipe of 2014?
You all obviously love the dessert recipes & the slow cooker recipes, so I will keep those coming in 2015. What other types of recipes would you like to see from Frugal Foodie Mama in the new year? :)

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Catch up on all my recipes, plus never miss a new recipe in 2015 by following my Frugal Foodie Mama Recipes board on Pinterest! If I have made it and published it, then it is pinned there... ;)
Follow Carrie (Frugal Foodie Mama)'s board Frugal Foodie Mama Recipes on Pinterest.