Frugal Foodie Mama: French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail


Friday, December 26, 2014

French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail

This French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail is a crisp, refreshing, & bubbly champagne cocktail perfect for ringing in the New Year!

French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail- a crisp, refreshing, & bubbly champagne cocktail perfect for ringing in the New Year!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

It is hard to believe that Christmas is done and over with and New Year's Eve is just right around the corner! Where did the time go, you all? 

Just because Santa has made his annual visit here, it doesn't mean that holiday entertaining is over in this house, folks. ;) 

We often host  one or two impromptu (and sometimes planned) end of the year get-togethers with friends and family.

To make sure we are always at the ready to entertain last minute or unexpected guests, I stock up on a few of the essentials... like cheese and crackers, chocolates, and of course bubbly mixers that are perfect for festive cocktails and fun mocktails for the kiddos. ;)

The frugal hostess in me was thrilled to see our favorite 2 liter bottles of mixers- 7UP and Canada Dry Ginger Ale on sale at our local Walmart for just $1 each this past week.
Of course, I had to stock up on these entertaining essentials when I find them at such a great price! :) 

In addition to the traditional 7UP and Canada Dry Ginger Ale, I also grabbed a 2 liter of the Cranberry Canada Dry Ginger Ale for a festive touch for drinks.

Every New Year's Eve, I try to come up with a new cocktail to serve my guests. The inspiration for this French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail actually comes from the French 75, a champagne cocktail that was created in France during World War I. This cocktail with a kick got it's name from a popular and powerful French field gun used during the war. 

The traditional cocktail is concocted using lemon juice, simple syrup, Champagne, and gin. I simplified the cocktail a bit and made it a little more bubbly by using 7UP instead of the lemon juice and simple syrup...

French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail- a crisp, refreshing, & bubbly champagne cocktail perfect for ringing in the New Year!

French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail

by Frugal Foodie Mama
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: None
Ingredients (1 cocktail)
  • 1 oz of gin
  • 5 oz 7UP soda
  • 3 oz of champagne (prosecco or sparkling wine will work as well)
  • lemon & lime twists (made longer than usual to resemble streamers)
  • Sparkling gold & silver sugars (from rimming glass- optional)
If you wish to rim your champagne glass with sparkling sugars, do this first. Mix your gold and silver sparkling sugars (or you could just use one color of sugars) on a small plate or bowl. Then simply wet the rim of the glass with a little lemon or lime juice, and then twist into the sugars until the rim is well coated.

Pour the gin and then the 7UP into the sugar rimmed champagne glass. Give a quick stir and then top off with champagne. Drop in the lemon and lime twists.
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Stock up on 7UP and Canada Dry Ginger Ale at your local Walmart for your end-of-year entertaining!

When you have 7UP and Canada Dry Ginger Ale on hand, you will always be at the ready for those end-of-the-year parties and get-togethers. They are perfect for mixing with a little cranberry or pomegranate juice for alcohol-free entertaining as well. :)

French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail- a crisp, refreshing, & bubbly champagne cocktail perfect for ringing in the New Year!

Set the plain ole champagne aside this New Year's Eve, and ring in 2015 with this crisp, refreshing, and bubbly French 7UP5 Champagne Cocktail instead! :)
Cheers, friends! 

How will you be ringing in the New Year this year?'
What is your favorite festive cocktail to make using 7UP and Canada Dry Ginger Ale?

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