So over the summer, I FINALLY closed out a storage unit I had in another state for over two years. Just about my entire life was packed into that storage unit, including some of my most prized culinary treasures. I knew opening each box would be like a little Christmas morning for me... "Oh, I forgot I had this!" and... "Awesome! I was hoping that I would find this!" But I don't think I was more excited than when I opened one box in particular and there was my electric fondue pot. Finally! I could make fondue again! This fondue pot had witnessed many an evening with me as the dinner party host. Sometimes brimming with gooey cheese, other times with a steaming broth for cooking meat, but most often bubbling with a sweet and creamy concoction perfect for dipping marshmallows and bits of fresh fruit in. So, how did I christen my newly rediscovered fondue pot?? With a Chocolate Cheesecake Fondue, of course! ;)
What you will need:
16 oz (2 packages) of cream cheese
2.5 oz of unsweetened baking chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 cup of sugar
2 tbsp of Kahlua (or another dessert liqueur)- optional
Put both the bricks of cream cheese in the fondue pot and turn the heating setting to medium heat. When the cream cheese is partially melted, add the Kahlua (you can add a smidge more, I won't tell) and stir. Continue to heat and stir the cream cheese mixture until all the cheese is smooth and melted.
Add in the chopped baking chocolate and the sugar. Continue stirring until the chocolate is completely melted and your fondue looks very much like what you see above. :)
Serve your fondue with lots of fun dippers. We had marshmallows, cherries, strawberries, and chunks of angel food cake. Graham crackers would be fabulous too!
If (and that's a big IF) you happen to have any Chocolate Cheesecake Fondue leftover, it makes a fabulous spread for graham crackers the next day. Just take out your refrigerated leftovers about 20 minutes before you are ready to serve to let it soften a bit.
So how about you? Do you fondue too?
Pssstttt... This will also be a perfect recipe if Frankenstorm does make an appearance in your neighborhood and you lose power- just use a fondue pot that requires only the heat of a candle. ;) It will take a little longer to come together, but it will be worth the wait. Trust me. ;)
Bring your favorite chocolate dessert to Roxana’s home baking #chocolateparty and win amazing prizes from OXO, Calphalon, Keurig, Imperial Sugar, Honey Ridge Farmsand Land O Lakes® Butter